Hi, I am Senthil. I am a datawarehouse architect and a project manager with MindTree Ltd (www.mindtree.com). I have been practicing data-warehousing, business intelligence and master data management for the past 9 years and I love doing it.
I love blogging. I love blogging about my daily encounters with the biggest chaos theory - "Delivering an IT services project".
What do I love about the way IT services industry operates today?
The way young kids from college are given freedom to play in big grounds.
What do I hate about the way IT services industry operates today?The way "innovative" brains are being transformed to "to-do" brains. The way scribbling notepads are being replaced with "check-lists". The way CMM processes are used as differentiators. The way "Project Managers" are becoming "Timesheet approving clerks".
Some companies I admire and follow...
Google for their performance
37signals for their guts
Apple for their design